Tantsi nagu Bollywoodi filmistaar! 30. aprillil külastab Eestit tunnustatud tantsuõpetaja Hemant Devara, kes tuleb meie juurde otse Pushkarist, Indiast ja viib Tallinnas läbi Bollywoodi tantsude workshopi. See on erakordne võimalus õppida Bollywoodi tantse profesionaalse India tanstuõpetaja käe all.
AJAKAVA 30. aprill:
12:00-14:00 Kaasaegne Bollywood
Bollywood üldiselt on India popkultuur ning bollywood tantsustiilina on see mida esitatakse india filmides ja muusikavideotes. Kursusel õpitakse selgeks kaasaegne bollywoodi tantsukoreograafia, mis on oma tasemelt lihtne ent meelelahutuslik. Tants on jõukohane ka nendele, kes ei ole kunagi varem India tantsudega kokku puutunud
14:30-16:30 Rajastani folkloor
Rajasthan on tuntud oma rikkaliku kultuuripärandi poolest. Rahvatantsud mängivad seal olulist osa, on esteetiliselt meeldivad ja jutustavad lugusid ainulaadselt ja lummavalt. Rajastani tantsukursusel tekib ainulaadne võimalus laiendada oma etnilist silmaringi ning õpetatakse selgeks lühike ent lihtne ning väga omapärane rajastani lugu. Tants on jõukohane ka nendele, kes ei ole kunagi varem India tantsudega kokku puutunud
Osalemise info:
Ühe kursuse hind on 50 eurot, kaks kursust kokku maksab 80 eurot.
Kursustele registreerumiseks kirjuta jamila@danceact.ee
Kursustel osalemisel tuleb kasuks mõningane tantsukogemus kuid india tantsude kogemus ei ole hädavajalik.
Riietus mugav ning India tantse on kõige mugavam tantsida paljajalu või sussides
Indiast Rajasthanist Pushkarist pärit Hemant Devara pärineb prestiižikast
artistide ja rahvakunstnike suguvõsast, kust on sirgunud nii tuntud lauljaid, tantsijaid kui ka muusikuid. Lapsepõlvest saadik on teda sütitanud kirg ja armastus kaunite kunstide vastu ning soov ületada kunstinorme. Hemant on omandanud magistrikraadi klassikalise India laulmise alal. Tantsu õppimist alustas ta varakult, juba 6-aastaselt oma onu käe all. Hemant on täiuslik kunstnik ja värskendavalt loominguline oma mitmekesistes koreograafiates. Ta vallutab publiku südamed ja puudutab oma tantsuga hinge nii, et tahad näha veel ja veel. 30 aastat tagasi avas tema pere Saraswati tantsu- ja muusikakooli, kus tema
vend ja onu hakkasid tantsu õpetama ja kus on õpilasi üle maailma viimased 10 aastat juhendanud ka Hemant Devara.
Rohkem Hemant Devara tegemiste kohta saab vaadata siit: https://www.facebook.com/hemantdevaradance/
Dance like a Bollywood Star! Attention all oriental dance lovers! You have a unique opportunity to learn Bollywood dances the way it is really done in India! On April 30th, acclaimed dance instructor Hemant Devara will be visiting Estonia, coming to us directly from Pushkar, India to conduct a Bollywood dance workshop in Tallinn. This is an exceptional opportunity to learn Bollywood dances under the guidance of a professional Indian dance teacher.
SCHEDULE April 3th:
12:00–14:00 Contemporary Bollywood.
Bollywood in general is Indian pop culture and Bollywood as a dance style is what is presented in Indian movies and music videos. This course will teach you modern Bollywood dance choreography, which is entertaining and beginner friendly. This dance style is accessible even to those who have never been exposed to Indian dance before.
14:30–16:30 Rajasthani folklore.
Rajasthan is renowned for its rich cultural heritage. Folk dances play an important role, are aesthetically pleasing and tell stories in a unique and enchanting way. The Rajasthani Dance Course offers a unique opportunity to broaden your ethnic horizons and learn a short but simple and very original Rajasthani story. This dance style is accessible even to those who have never been exposed to Indian dance before.
Participation info:
The price for one course is €50, for two courses €80.
To register for a course, please email jamila@danceact.ee
The courses are suitable for both beginner and intermediate level dancers.
Dress comfortably and it is most comfortable to dance Indian dances barefoot or in dance slippers.
Choreographer Hemant Devara is from Pushkar in Rajasthan, India. He comes from a prestigious lineage of artists and folk performers, where many renowned singers, dancers and musicians have emerged. Since childhood, he has been ignited by a passion and love for the fine arts and a desire to transcend artistic norms. Hemant holds a Master’s degree in Classical Indian Singing. He started learning dance at an early age of 6. Hemant is a consummate artist and refreshingly creative in his diverse choreographies. He captures the hearts of audiences and touches the soul with his dance in a way that makes you want to see more. 30 years ago, his family opened the Saraswati School of Dance and Music, where he has been teaching for over 30 years.
To find out more about Hemant Devara’s work, visit: https://www.facebook.com/hemantdevaradance/